NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002 Productos y servicios. Etiquetado y envasado para productos de aseo de uso doméstico (Household Cleaning Products)
In order to verify the information required by the Mexican Rule NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002, it is necessary that you provide us with following information:
Toxic product, is a product that, in any of the states of the matter, that is, as a solid, fluid or a gas and depending on the concentration, route of intake, and exposure time, may cause structural or functional problems that are a hazard to the health or can cause death.
Corrosive product, is a product that, in any of the states of the matter, that is, as a solid, fluid or a gas can cause destruction or irreversible alterations to a living tissue because of the chemical effects generated at the point of contact
Flammable product, is a product that, in any of the states of the matter, that is, as a solid, fluid or a gas has an ignition point less or equal to 37,8ºC, that ignites easily and burns very fast, in general in an abrupt way
Irritant product, is a product that, in any of the states of the matter, that is, as a solid, fluid or a gas causes an irreversible inflammatory condition in the living tissue because of the chemical effects generated at the point of contact.
Indicate the active ingredients ( solvents, propellents, corrosive substances,etc.) using their most common chemical or technical names.
List the rest of the ingredients using the generic name of the chemical group or the correponding name according to the activity of the ingredient