TechLink International specializes in adapting packaging information so that it complies with Mexican labeling standards. There are two ways to methods we can make your packaging compliant: Adapt your color litho label/box or create a sticker that contains all the required Spanish information for Mexico that is referred to as soft compliance. In order to process your project, please provide the following:
Adapting your packaging:
- Non-outline Adobe Illustrator files with all fonts and images
Soft Compliance:
- Actual size PDF for your color litho/box
Any item that contains an instruction manual needs to be translated into Spanish and compliant with labeling standards. We will need an unlocked PDF of your instruction manual in order to make the proper translation and/or modifications.
TechLink also offers a service where we review packaging and advise changes via commented PDFs. Based off of our experience, the process takes twice as long.
Important Note: Please provide the final versions that will require no additional modifications. Any adjustments after the Constancia has been issue will invalidate the certificate and will require a new Constancia.
Labeling NOMs we process:
- NOM-003-SSA1-2006 Salud ambiental. Requisitos sanitarios que debe satisfacer el etiquetado de pinturas, tintas, barnices, lacas y esmaltes. (Paint Labeling Regulations)
- NOM-004-SCFI-2006 Información comercial-etiquetado de productos textiles, prendas de vestir, sus accesorios y ropa de casa (Textile/Clothing Labeling Regulations)
- NOM-015-SCFI-2007 Información comercial-etiquetado en juguetes (Toy Labeling Regulations)
- NOM-020-SCFI-1997 Información comercial-etiquetado de cueros y pieles curtidas naturales y materiales sintéticos o artificiales con esa apariencia, calzado, marroquinería así como los productos elaborados con dichos materiales (Leather or Leather like or Shoes Labeling Reguations)
- NOM-024-SCFI-2013 Información comercial para empaques, instructivos y garantías de los productos electrónicos, eléctricos y electrodomésticos. (Electrical/Electronic Labeling Regulations)
- NOM-050-SCFI-2004 Información comercial-etiquetado general de productos (General Merchandise Labeling Regulations)
- NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Especificaciones generales de etiquetado para alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas preenvasados. (Food and non-alcoholic Beverage Labeling)
- NOM-141-SSA1/SCFI-2012 Etiquetado para productos cosméticos preenvasados. Etiquetado sanitario y comercial (Health & Beauty Labeling)
- NOM-189-SSA1/SCFI-2002 Productos y servicios. Etiquetado y envasado para productos de aseo de uso doméstico (Household Cleaning Products Labeling Regulations)
- Reglamento de Control Sanitario de Productos y Servicios (Food Supplements Labeling Regulations)
Please contact our team for help or create a new request by clicking on client login at the top, middle of this webpage.
Your Trusted Source For Compliance.